Friday, March 2, 2012

A few sources to start me off...

1. A Psychological Success Cycle and Goal Setting: Goals, Performance, and Attitudes
  • Source: The Acadamey of Management Journal
  • Rhetorical Situation: Audience- Managment, Authors- Douglas T. Hall and Lawrence W. Foster, Issue- Goal setting creates more successful workers
2. A constant reminder of my failings: the To-Do list is meant to organize your life, and yet it's so easy to ignore
  • Source: Maclean's Magazine
  • Rhetorical Situation: Audience- to-do list makers, Author- Scott Feschuk, Issue- the to-list is a reminder of everything you failed to do
3. Goal-Setting Theory
  • Source: International Encyclopedia of Organizational Studies
  • Rhetorical Situation: Audience- management, Authors- Encyclopedia, Issue-the goal setting process
4. A brave girl's bucket list
  • Source: Maclean's Magazine
  • Rhetorical Analysis: Audience- general readers, Author- unknown, Issue- a dying girl's bucket list
After doing all this I've decided there probably isn't enough research on my topic for me to write on this. Good thing I found out now instead of later!